1st: Just posted a new song:
SmK - Call Me Maybe Remix
click to listen
2nd:Like this page and get a free SmK ringtone! Send me a message after you've liked my page with the song you want and your phone number!
3rd:Subscribe to my Youtube Channel for exclusive, behind the scenes videos that are coming soon!
3rd:Your Favorite SmK songs now come with ringtones! check in the descriptions, all you have to do is text a number to myxer, thats it! For example
for Extinct, text "SKILLZMAKEKILLZ Extinct" to MYXER (69937)
for Reaching Ecstasy text "SKILLZMAKEKILLZ ReachingEcstasy" to MYXER (69937)
for Complexity text "SKILLZMAKEKILLZ Complexity" to MYXER (69937)
for Good Life text "SKILLZMAKEKILLZ GoodLife" to MYXER (69937)
for Oxygen text "SKILLZMAKEKILLZ Oxygen" to MYXER (69937)
for Focus text "SKILLZMAKEKILLZ Focus" to MYXER (69937)
for Summer Dreams text "SKILLZMAKEKILLZ SummerDreams" to MYXER (69937)
for Come Rave With Me text "SKILLZMAKEKILLZ ComeRaveWithMe" to MYXER (69937)
and so on..
3rd: My new album : Intensity is now available on iTunes, Zune, Amazon MP3, and Google Music Store. This of course means you can buy each individual song for 99 cents if you don't want to commit to a whole album.
Here's the link to those if your thinking to your self "I have to buy that awesome album/songs"
you could go to the site and search "skillzmakekillz"
OR click the following links below
Skillz can you call me?